Regulated Research Community of Practice
Submission navigation links for Knowledge Base Resources
Submission information
Submission Number: 46
Submission ID: 249
Submission UUID: 3e6aac2f-f9f8-4a5f-948d-316b57e77ecf
Submission URI: /form/resource
Created: Wed, 02/23/2022 - 00:08
Completed: Wed, 02/23/2022 - 00:08
Changed: Wed, 02/23/2022 - 00:36
Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Julie Ma
Language: English
Is draft: No
Webform: Knowledge Base Resources
Regulated Research Community of Practice
The daily news clearly shows the increasing threat to safety and privacy of data, personal as well as intellectual property. While the requirements such as DFARS 7012, HIPAA, and Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) improve the consistency of data handling between agencies and contractors and grantees, it leaves academic institutions to figure out how to meet such requirements in a cost-effective way that fits the research and education mission of the institution. Most institutions, agencies, and companies act in isolation with one-off contract language to address data security and safeguarding concerns. Even though cybersecurity has a clear and uniform goal of protecting data, a onesize solution does not fit all academic institutions.
By supporting this community with development of a community strategic roadmap, regular discussions and workshops, and a repository of generalized and specific resources for handling regulated research programs RRCoP lowers the barrier to entry for institutions handling new regulations.
By supporting this community with development of a community strategic roadmap, regular discussions and workshops, and a repository of generalized and specific resources for handling regulated research programs RRCoP lowers the barrier to entry for institutions handling new regulations.