Computing continuum extension to Science and Engineering Gateways through Cybershuttle: Enabling local to remote execution of computational and AI pipelines
This presentation will highlight some recent advances in Cyberinfrastructure toward bringing bridging local and remote resources for computational and AI related pipelines with exemplars in Physics, Chemistry and Data and Physics informed machine learning models. Dr. Sudhakar Pamidighantam, a principal scientist in the Institute of Data Engineering and Science (IDEaS) and associate director for the center of Artificial Intelligence in Science and Engineering(ARTISAN), has been developing and deploying production cyberinfrastructures for various disciplines such as chemistry and physics supported by NSF. He is a project management committee (PMC) member of the Apache Airavata Science Gateway middleware framework. He deployed Chemviz, the chemistry educational portal with integration of NCSA Condor resources during 90s and developed GridChem cyber infrastructure during 2005 and his most recent cyberinfrastructure project is the Science and Engineering Applications Grid (SEAGrid, He currently leads software development for AMOS gateway for atomic, molecular and optical sciences and SMILES gateway for small molecule ionic isolation lattices data.