A Longitude Study of Global Warming Discussion on Social Media

Project Information
big-data, data-analysis, data-scienceProject Status: Complete
Project Region: CAREERS
Submitted By: Gaurav Khanna
Project Email: sli@bryant.edu
Project Institution: Bryant University
Anchor Institution: CR-University of Rhode Island
Mentors: Suhong Li
Students: Connor Emery
Project Description
I have collected 28 million tweets using keyworks global warming between 2010 and 2022. This project focuses on people’s perception toward global warming and how the perception has changed over the year. Especially, the following topics will be explored: 1). Sentiment analysis: analyzing the sentiment of tweets related to global warming to understand public attitude and emotions toward issues over the past decade; 2) User Demographics and Global Warming Tweets: Analyzing the demographic characteristics of users tweeting about global warming to identify patterns in engagement based on gender, location, etc. 3) Social Network Analysis of Global Warming Discourse: Examining the network structures and interactions among users discussing global warming on Twitter to identify influential users, communities, and patterns of information flow. 4) Political Divide on Global Warming: Explore the influence of political polarization on public opinion and climate policy approaches related to global warming.The student will learn from start to finish using various data analytic methodologies including sentiment/emotion analysis, topic modelling, network analytics, natural language processing and machine learning/deep learning. Due to the big size of the tweets, I plan to run this analysis on an HPC environment and the student is expected to learn to use UNITY and to execute code in a HPC environment. The student facilitator will learn how to make effective use of the UMass-URI UNITY cluster and will leverage the workflow developed previously by students who were supported by CAREERS.
Additional Resources
Launch Presentation:Wrap Presentation: 6

Project Information
big-data, data-analysis, data-scienceProject Status: Complete
Project Region: CAREERS
Submitted By: Gaurav Khanna
Project Email: sli@bryant.edu
Project Institution: Bryant University
Anchor Institution: CR-University of Rhode Island
Mentors: Suhong Li
Students: Connor Emery
Project Description
I have collected 28 million tweets using keyworks global warming between 2010 and 2022. This project focuses on people’s perception toward global warming and how the perception has changed over the year. Especially, the following topics will be explored: 1). Sentiment analysis: analyzing the sentiment of tweets related to global warming to understand public attitude and emotions toward issues over the past decade; 2) User Demographics and Global Warming Tweets: Analyzing the demographic characteristics of users tweeting about global warming to identify patterns in engagement based on gender, location, etc. 3) Social Network Analysis of Global Warming Discourse: Examining the network structures and interactions among users discussing global warming on Twitter to identify influential users, communities, and patterns of information flow. 4) Political Divide on Global Warming: Explore the influence of political polarization on public opinion and climate policy approaches related to global warming.The student will learn from start to finish using various data analytic methodologies including sentiment/emotion analysis, topic modelling, network analytics, natural language processing and machine learning/deep learning. Due to the big size of the tweets, I plan to run this analysis on an HPC environment and the student is expected to learn to use UNITY and to execute code in a HPC environment. The student facilitator will learn how to make effective use of the UMass-URI UNITY cluster and will leverage the workflow developed previously by students who were supported by CAREERS.
Additional Resources
Launch Presentation:Wrap Presentation: 6