Knowledge Base Resources
Contributed by cyberinfrastructure professionals (researchers, research computing facilitators, research software engineers and HPC system administrators), these resources are shared through the ConnectCI community platform. Add resources you find helpful!
Useful R Packages for Data Science and Statistics
This Udacity article listed the most frequently used R packages for data science and statistics. For each package, the article provided the link to its official documentation. It will be a great start point if you want to start your data science journey in R.
Data visualization with Matplotlib
Data visualization is a critical aspect of data analysis. It allows for a clear and concise representation of data, making it easier for users to understand and interpret complex datasets. One of the most popular libraries for data visualization in Python is Matplotlib. The included website aims to provide a brief overview of Matplotlib, its features, and examples/exercises to dive deeper into its functionalities.
Scikit-Learn: Easy Machine Learning and Modeling
Scikit-learn is free software machine learning library for Python. It has a variety of features you can use on data, from linear regression classifiers to xg-boost and random forests. It is very useful when you want to analyze small parts of data quickly.
Fundamentals of R Programming
This course is an introduction to the R programming language and covers the fundamental concepts needed to operate in the R environment. This course was taught for the ACCESS community on September 26, 2023, but the materials for the course are still available on the ACES cluster and can be completed independently. All materials are presented as learnR notebooks and cover several topics, including data types, variables, built-in functions, data structures, and plotting.
marimo | a next generation python notebook
Introduction seminar for new reactive python notebook from marimo ambassador.
The Official Documentation of Pandas
Pandas is one of the most essential Python libraries for data analysis and manipulation. It provides high-performance, easy-to-use data structures, and data analysis tools for the Python programming language. The official documentation serves as an in-depth guide to using this powerful tool including explanations and examples.
Data Visualization Tools for Julia
Plots.jl is the most widely used plotting library for the Julia programming language. It's known for being especially powerful in its versatility and intuitiveness. It's limited set of dependencies and wide applicability across different graphics packages make it especially helpful in visualizing the results of your latest Julia implementation.
However, there are still multiple options available for Julia programmers to visualize their datasets. The second link details a comparison against a variety of Julia packages.
Machine Learning in Astrophysics
Machine learning is becoming increasingly important in field with large data such as astrophysics. AstroML is a Python module for machine learning and data mining built on numpy, scipy, scikit-learn, matplotlib, and astropy allowing for a range of statistical and machine learning routines to analyze astronomical data in Python. In particular, it has loaders for many open astronomical datasets with examples on how to visualize such complicated and large datasets.
Data Imputation Methods for Climate Data and Mortality Data
This slices and videos introduced how to use K-Nearest-Neighbors method to impute climate data and how to use Bayesian Spatio-Temporal models in R-INLA to impute mortality data. The demos will be added soon.