Knowledge Base Resources
Contributed by cyberinfrastructure professionals (researchers, research computing facilitators, research software engineers and HPC system administrators), these resources are shared through the ConnectCI community platform. Add resources you find helpful!
The Carpentries
We teach foundational coding and data science skills to researchers worldwide.
Open OnDemand
Open OnDemand is an easy-to-use web portal that lets students, researchers, and industry professionals use supercomputers from anywhere. It is installed on supercomputing resources at hundreds of sites. By eliminating the need for client software or command-line interface, Open OnDemand empowers users of all skill levels and significantly speeds up the time to their first computing.
OpenHPC: Beyond the Install Guide
Materials for the "OpenHPC: Beyond the Install Guide" half-day tutorial, first offered at PEARC24. The goal of this repository is to let instructors or self-learners to construct one or more OpenHPC 3.x virtual environments, for those environments to be as close as possible to the defaults from the OpenHPC installation guide, and to then use those environments to demonstrate several topics beyond the basic installation guide.
Topics include:
1. Building a login node that's practically identical to a compute node (except for where it needs to be different)
2. Adding more security to the SMS and login node
3. Using node-local storage for the OS and/or scratch
4. De-coupling the SMS and the compute nodes (e.g., independent kernel versions)
5. GPU driver installation (simulated/recorded, not live)
6. Easier management of node differences (GPU or not, diskless/single-disk/multi-disk, Infiniband or not, etc.)
7. Slurm configuration to match some common policy goals (fair share, resource limits, etc.)
RMACC Systems Administrator Workshop Slides
A compilation of the slides from this year's RMACC Sys Admin Workshop.
RMACC Sys Admin Workhop Schedule:
12:00 PM Sign-in
1:00 PM Introductions
1:30 PM Lightning Talk - HPC Survival guide
2:00 PM Node Management - Scott Serr
2:30 PM Lightning Talk - Warewulf
3:00 PM Urgent HPC - Coltran Hophan-Nichols and Alexander Salois
9:00 AM Breakfast
10:00 AM Round table Sites - BYU, INL, UMT, ASU, MSU
11:00 AM Open OnDemand setup - Dean Anderson
11:30 AM Lightning talk - Long term hardware support
12:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM HPC Security - Matt Bidwell
2:00 PM Lightning talk- Security
2:30 PM ACCESS resources - Couso
3:00 PM Easybuild tutorial - Alexander Salois
3:30 PM General Q & A
9:00 AM Breakfast
10:00 AM Lightning Talk- Containers and Virtual Machines
11:00 AM University of Montana - Hellgate Site Tour
11:30 AM Closing Remarks
High performance computing 101
An introductory guide to High Performance Computing.
Hour of Ci
Hour of Cyberinfrastructure (Hour of CI) is a nationwide campaign to introduce undergraduate and graduate students to cyberinfrastructure and geographic information science (GIS).
Slurm Tutorials
Introduction to the Slurm Workload Manager for users and system administrators, plus some material for Slurm programmers.
Warewulf documentation
Warewulf is an operating system provisioning platform for Linux that is designed to produce secure, scalable, turnkey cluster deployments that maintain flexibility and simplicity. It can be used to setup a stateless provisioning in HPC environment.