Knowledge Base Resources
Contributed by cyberinfrastructure professionals (researchers, research computing facilitators, research software engineers and HPC system administrators), these resources are shared through the ConnectCI community platform. Add resources you find helpful!
Termius - Modern ssh platform
**Termius: The Modern SSH Client for 2023**
Termius is the future-facing SSH client that's redefining remote server access in 2023. Designed for ease and efficiency, Termius offers a seamless connection experience across all devices, be it mobile or desktop. Gone are the days of re-inputting IP addresses, ports, and passwords; with Termius, one-click connectivity is the new norm.
**How Termius Elevates Remote Server Access:**
1. **One-Click Connectivity:** Save the hassle of remembering and re-entering connection details. Termius provides an immediate connection to your infrastructure with a single click.
2. **Synchronized Across Devices:** Termius ensures that your data, connection settings, and preferences are consistent across all your devices, from mobile to desktop.
3. **Unparalleled Security:** With the Cloud Vault feature, users can securely store their data in an encrypted environment, accessible only from their specific devices. Shared vaults allow for safe connection sharing within teams.
4. **AI-Powered Terminal Experience:** Advanced AI-driven autocomplete means users can input command descriptions, and Termius will swiftly convert them into accurate bash commands, simplifying and enhancing the terminal interaction.
5. **Collaborative Troubleshooting:** Share terminal sessions with teammates, facilitating cooperative problem-solving or knowledge sharing. No additional server-side installations needed.
6. **Automation and Snippets:** Streamline routine processes with the ability to save and run frequently used shell scripts. Sharing these Snippets with your team can lead to increased productivity and fewer manual errors.
7. **All-Device Compatibility:** Whether on iPad, iPhone, Android, macOS, Windows, or Linux, Termius ensures a consistent and fluid experience. The platform's synchronization capability means you're always ready to respond swiftly, irrespective of the device in use.
For professionals and businesses aiming for top-notch server access efficiency, Termius is the gold standard in 2023. Experience the revolution in SSH connectivity and optimize your workflow with Termius.
RMACC Website
Rocky Mountain Advanced Computing Consortium Website
Moving-Lid-Driven Flow Simulation by Finite Difference Method
The listed repository contains code written in C++ to model the flow inside a cavity with a lid moving above from left to right by discretizing incompressible N-S equations with finite difference method. For the governing equations, artificial viscosity has been considered to increase the stability. In terms of solving the resulted algebraic equation system, both the Point Jacobi Method and Symmetric Gauss Seidel methods have been used for the iteration process.
Horovod: Distributed deep learning training framework
Horovod is a distributed deep learning training framework. Using horovod, a single-GPU training script can be scaled to train across many GPUs in parallel. The library supports popular deep learning framework such as TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, and Apache MXNet.
Docker - Containerized, reproducible workflows
Docker allows for containerization of any task - basically a smaller, scalable version of a virtual machine. This is very useful when transferring work across computing environments, as it ensures reproducibility.
marimo | a next generation python notebook
Introduction seminar for new reactive python notebook from marimo ambassador.
A question and answer forum for neuroscience researchers, infrastructure providers and software developers.
AI for improved HPC research - Cursor and Termius - Powerpoint
These slides provide an introduction on how Termius and Cursor, two new and freemium apps that use AI to perform more efficient work, can be used for faster HPC research.
Trusted CI
The mission of Trusted CI is to lead in the development of an NSF Cybersecurity Ecosystem with the workforce, knowledge, processes, and cyberinfrastructure that enables trustworthy science and NSF’s vision of a nation that is a global leader in research and innovation.
Applications of Machine Learning in Engineering and Parameter Tuning Tutorial
Slides for a tutorial on Machine Learning applications in Engineering and parameter tuning given at the RMACC conference 2019.
Samtools Documentation
Samtools is a suite of programs for interacting with high-throughput sequencing data, especially in the SAM/BAM format. It offers various utilities for processing, analyzing, and managing sequence data generated from next-generation sequencing (NGS) experiments. Samtools is widely used in bioinformatics and genomics research for tasks such as read alignment, variant calling, and data manipulation.
InsideHPC is an informational site offers videos, research papers, articles, and other resources focused on machine learning and quantum computing among other topics within high performance computing.
MPI Resources
Workshop for beginners and intermediate students in MPI which includes helpful exercises. Open MPI documentation.
OpenMP and Multithreaded Jobs in GRASS
Techniques and support for multithreaded geospatial data processing in GRASS.
Campus Research Computing Consortium (CaRCC)
CaRCC – the Campus Research Computing Consortium – is an organization of dedicated professionals developing, advocating for, and advancing campus research computing and data and associated professions.
Vision: CaRCC advances the frontiers of research by improving the effectiveness of research computing and data (RCD) professionals, including their career development and visibility, and their ability to deliver services and resources for researchers. CaRCC connects RCD professionals and organizations around common objectives to increase knowledge sharing and enable continuous innovation in research computing and data capabilities.