Knowledge Base Resources
Contributed by cyberinfrastructure professionals (researchers, research computing facilitators, research software engineers and HPC system administrators), these resources are shared through the ConnectCI community platform. Add resources you find helpful!
Connect.Cybinfrastructure is a family of portals, each representing a program that is serving a segment of the research computing and data community. Each portal provides program-specific information, as well a custom "view" into a common database. The portal was originally developed to support project workflows and a knowledge base of self service learning resources for the Northeast Cyberteam. Subsequently, it was expanded to provide support to multiple cyberteams and other research computing communities of practice. We welcome additional communities, please contact us if you are interested in participating. Central to the Portal is an extensive and ever-evolving tagging infrastructure which informs every aspect of the Portal. The tag taxonomy was initially developed by the Northeast Cyberteam to categorize subject matter relevant to practitioners of Research Computing Facilitation and is ever changing due to the frequent introduction of new technology in domains that characterize the field of research computing.
The Use of High-Performance Computing Services in University Settings: A Usability Case Study of the University of Cincinnati’s High-Performance Computing Cluster
This presentation gives a detailed breakdown of the outcome of my master's thesis which was focused on making HPC Clusters accessible across all disciplines in a university setting "Our Case Study was the university of Cincinnati".
Better Scientific Software (BSSw)
The Better Scientific Software (BSSw) project provides a community to collaborate and learn about best practices in scientific software development. Software—the foundation of discovery in computational science & engineering—faces increasing complexity in computational models and computer architectures. BSSw provides a central hub for the community to address pressing challenges in software productivity, quality, and sustainability.
RMACC Website
Rocky Mountain Advanced Computing Consortium Website
Campus Research Computing Consortium (CaRCC)
CaRCC – the Campus Research Computing Consortium – is an organization of dedicated professionals developing, advocating for, and advancing campus research computing and data and associated professions.
Vision: CaRCC advances the frontiers of research by improving the effectiveness of research computing and data (RCD) professionals, including their career development and visibility, and their ability to deliver services and resources for researchers. CaRCC connects RCD professionals and organizations around common objectives to increase knowledge sharing and enable continuous innovation in research computing and data capabilities.
RRCoP Resources Page
Very helpful list of Regulated Research Community of Practice's collaborating communities.
InsideHPC is an informational site offers videos, research papers, articles, and other resources focused on machine learning and quantum computing among other topics within high performance computing.
Regulated Research Community of Practice
The daily news clearly shows the increasing threat to safety and privacy of data, personal as well as intellectual property. While the requirements such as DFARS 7012, HIPAA, and Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) improve the consistency of data handling between agencies and contractors and grantees, it leaves academic institutions to figure out how to meet such requirements in a cost-effective way that fits the research and education mission of the institution. Most institutions, agencies, and companies act in isolation with one-off contract language to address data security and safeguarding concerns. Even though cybersecurity has a clear and uniform goal of protecting data, a onesize solution does not fit all academic institutions.
By supporting this community with development of a community strategic roadmap, regular discussions and workshops, and a repository of generalized and specific resources for handling regulated research programs RRCoP lowers the barrier to entry for institutions handling new regulations.
Developer Stories Podcast
As developers, we get excited to think about challenging problems. When you ask us what we are working on, our eyes light up like children in a candy store. So why is it that so many of our developer and software origin stories are not told? How did we get to where we are today, and what did we learn along the way? This podcast aims to look “Behind the Scenes of Tech’s Passion Projects and People.” We want to know your developer story, what you have built, and why. We are an inclusive community - whatever kind of institution or country you hail from, if you are passionate about software and technology you are welcome!
Women in HPC
Through collaboration and networking, WHPC strives to bring together women in HPC and technical computing while encouraging women to engage in outreach activities and improve the visibility of inspirational role models.
Campus Champions Home Page
Campus Champions foster a dynamic environment for a diverse community of research computing and data professionals sharing knowledge and experience in digital research infrastructure.
Long Tales of Science: A podcast about women in HPC
A series of interviews with women in the HPC community