Knowledge Base Resources
Contributed by cyberinfrastructure professionals (researchers, research computing facilitators, research software engineers and HPC system administrators), these resources are shared through the ConnectCI community platform. Add resources you find helpful!
HPC University
A comprehensive list of training resources from the HPC University. HPCU is a virtual organization whose primary goal is to provide a cohesive, persistent, and sustainable on-line environment to share educational and training materials for a continuum of high performance computing environments that span desktop computing capabilities to the highest-end of computing facilities offered by HPC centers.
How to Get the Most Out of a Mentoring Relationship by The Plank Center
Backed by collegiate white papers, top industry professionals, and researchers, The Plank Center’s Mentorship Guide offers basic tips and tricks on how to get the most out of a mentorship relationship. This easy-to-follow guide supplements mentorship programs, lesson plans, and professional relationships.
Campus Champions Home Page
Campus Champions foster a dynamic environment for a diverse community of research computing and data professionals sharing knowledge and experience in digital research infrastructure.
Campus Research Computing Consortium (CaRCC)
CaRCC – the Campus Research Computing Consortium – is an organization of dedicated professionals developing, advocating for, and advancing campus research computing and data and associated professions.
Vision: CaRCC advances the frontiers of research by improving the effectiveness of research computing and data (RCD) professionals, including their career development and visibility, and their ability to deliver services and resources for researchers. CaRCC connects RCD professionals and organizations around common objectives to increase knowledge sharing and enable continuous innovation in research computing and data capabilities.
RMACC Systems Administrator Workshop Slides
A compilation of the slides from this year's RMACC Sys Admin Workshop.
RMACC Sys Admin Workhop Schedule:
12:00 PM Sign-in
1:00 PM Introductions
1:30 PM Lightning Talk - HPC Survival guide
2:00 PM Node Management - Scott Serr
2:30 PM Lightning Talk - Warewulf
3:00 PM Urgent HPC - Coltran Hophan-Nichols and Alexander Salois
9:00 AM Breakfast
10:00 AM Round table Sites - BYU, INL, UMT, ASU, MSU
11:00 AM Open OnDemand setup - Dean Anderson
11:30 AM Lightning talk - Long term hardware support
12:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM HPC Security - Matt Bidwell
2:00 PM Lightning talk- Security
2:30 PM ACCESS resources - Couso
3:00 PM Easybuild tutorial - Alexander Salois
3:30 PM General Q & A
9:00 AM Breakfast
10:00 AM Lightning Talk- Containers and Virtual Machines
11:00 AM University of Montana - Hellgate Site Tour
11:30 AM Closing Remarks
Why Mentoring Matters and How to Get Started
Describes effective mentorship (both ways).
Developer Stories Podcast
As developers, we get excited to think about challenging problems. When you ask us what we are working on, our eyes light up like children in a candy store. So why is it that so many of our developer and software origin stories are not told? How did we get to where we are today, and what did we learn along the way? This podcast aims to look “Behind the Scenes of Tech’s Passion Projects and People.” We want to know your developer story, what you have built, and why. We are an inclusive community - whatever kind of institution or country you hail from, if you are passionate about software and technology you are welcome!
Master’s in Cybersecurity Degree Essentials
Offers comprehensive information on various master's degree options in cybersecurity, including program details, admission requirements, and career opportunities, helping students make informed decisions about pursuing an advanced degree in cybersecurity.
National Public Radio (NPR)
Pluses and challenges of mentor selection. Offers tips for acquiring a mentor (finding, asking). And how to be a good mentee. SMART framework mentioned. Discrimination mentioned. Difference between mentor and sponsor underlined. More than one mentor encouraged. Good tips.
phenoACCESS-24 workshop program materials
phenoACCESS-24: Workshop on Research Computing and Plant Phenotyping
High-throughput plant phenotyping is computationally intensive, requiring data storage, data processing and analysis, research computing expertise, and mechanisms for data sharing. This workshop is aimed at research computing workforce development by addressing questions such as what is plant phenotyping; what types of data are collected; what are the preprocessing and analytical needs; what tools and platforms exist for data capture, management, analysis, and storage; and how best to collaborate and engage with phenotyping researchers. The full-day agenda will include speakers (scientists and research compute staff); panel discussions (how to work with research computing staff and facilities; how to engage with phenotyping scientists), and networking opportunities (meet-and-greet, ice breakers, small group discussions). The videos and slide decks for the talks are included on the linked page.
Long Tales of Science: A podcast about women in HPC
A series of interviews with women in the HPC community
The Use of High-Performance Computing Services in University Settings: A Usability Case Study of the University of Cincinnati’s High-Performance Computing Cluster
This presentation gives a detailed breakdown of the outcome of my master's thesis which was focused on making HPC Clusters accessible across all disciplines in a university setting "Our Case Study was the university of Cincinnati".
How to Build a Great Relationship with a Mentor
Emphasizes benefits of being mentored. Describes how to identify and choose a mentor. Suggests a path forward. Not mentor or two-way focused.
CyberAmbassadors: Professional Skills for Interdisciplinary Work
The CyberAmbassadors project was funded through a workforce development grant from the National Science Foundation (Award #1730137). Starting in 2017, the initial focus of this project was to develop, test, and refine new curriculum to help CyberInfrastructure (CI) Professionals strengthen their communications, teamwork and leadership skills. With support and collaboration from a number of academic and professional organizations, the CyberAmbassadors project was expanded to offer professional skills training to college students and professionals working across STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) disciplines.
United Nations Mentor Handbook
The United Nations (UN) is an international organization comprising 193 Member States, including the United States. As a global organization, the UN is the one place on Earth where the world's nations can gather to discuss common problems and find shared solutions that benefit all humanity. This handbook has been produced for UN staff of all backgrounds and levels and provides an overview of how to approach your participation in a mentorship program. This resource is quickly digestible and provides a basic structure that will be helpful to review before the first meeting with your mentee.
ACCESS Events and Training
Listing of upcoming ACCESS related events and training activities.
Learn Python Online
Learn Python online with these distance learning courses.