Knowledge Base Resources
Contributed by cyberinfrastructure professionals (researchers, research computing facilitators, research software engineers and HPC system administrators), these resources are shared through the ConnectCI community platform. Add resources you find helpful!
AHPCC documentary
This link is a documentary website to use AHPCC.
Linux Tutorial from Ryan's Tutorials
The following pages are intended to give you a solid foundation in how to use the terminal, to get the computer to do useful work for you. You won't be a Unix guru at the end but you will be well on your way and armed with the right knowledge and skills to get you there if that's what you want (which you should because that will make you even more awesome). Here you will learn the Linux command line (Bash) with our 13 part beginners tutorial. It contains clear descriptions, command outlines, examples, shortcuts and best practice. At first, the Linux command line may seem daunting, complex and scary. It is actually quite simple and intuitive (once you understand what is going on that is), and once you work through the following sections you will understand what is going on. Unix likes to take the approach of giving you a set of building blocks and then letting you put them together. This allows us to build things to suit our needs. With a bit of creativity and logical thinking, mixed in with an appreciation of how the blocks work, we can assemble tools to do virtually anything we want. The aim is to be lazy. Why should we do anything we can get the computer to do for us? The only reason I can think of is that you don't know how (but after working through these pages you will know how, so then there won't be a good reason). A question that may have crossed your mind is "Why should I bother learning the command line? The Graphical User Interface is much easier and I can already do most of what I need there." To a certain extent you would be right, and by no means am I suggesting you should ditch the GUI. Some tasks are best suited to a GUI, word processing and video editing are great examples. At the same time, some tasks are more suited to the command line, data manipulation (reporting) and file management are some good examples. Some tasks will be just as easy in either environment. Think of the command line as another tool you can add to your belt. As always, pick the best tool for the job.
Building the ArduPilot environment for Linux
This article provides instructions for building AirSim, an open-source simulator for autonomous vehicles, on Linux. It outlines the steps to build Unreal Engine, clone and build the AirSim repository, and set up the Unreal environment. It also includes information on how to use AirSim and optional setups such as remote control for manual flight.
Introduction to Linux CLI for Researchers
The goal of this video is to help researchers and students recently given allocations to High Performance Compute resources a basic introduction to Linux commands to help them get started. These are a few of the most fundamental commands for navigating and getting started.
If you find this video helpful or would like me to continue this series let me know!
Bash shell tutorial
Training materials for using the bash (and zsh) shell.
ACES: Charliecloud Containers for Scientific Workflows (Tutorial)
This tutorial introduces the use of Containers using the Charliecloud software suite. This tutorial will provide participants with background and hands-on experience to use basic Charliecloud containers for HPC applications. We discuss what containers are, why they matter for HPC, and how they work. We'll give an overview of Charliecloud, the unprivileged container solution from Los Alamos National Laboratory's HPC Division. Students will learn how to build toy containers and containerize real HPC applications, and then run them on a cluster. Exercises are demonstrated using the ACES cluster, a composable accelerator testbed at Texas A&M University. Students with an allocation on the ACES cluster can follow along with the ACES-specific exercises.
UNIX/command line basics tutorial
Introductory training materials for working on the UNIX command line.
Ultimate guide to Unix
Unix is incredibly common and useful. This website provides all the common commands and explanations for one to get started with a unix system.