Knowledge Base Resources
Contributed by cyberinfrastructure professionals (researchers, research computing facilitators, research software engineers and HPC system administrators), these resources are shared through the ConnectCI community platform. Add resources you find helpful!
CHARMM Links to Install, Run, and Troubleshoot MD Simulations
CHARMM (Chemistry at HARvard Macromolecular Mechanics) is a widely distributed molecular simulation program with a broad array of applications. CHARMM has the capabilities to setup and run simulations on both biological and materials systems, contains a comprehensive set of analysis and tools, and has high performance on a variety of platforms. Here you will find links to the CHARMM website, forum, and registration/download page.
Intro to GenAI Chatbot
Introduction to Probabilistic Graphical Models
This website summarizes the notes of Stanford's introductory course on probabilistic graphical models.
It starts from the very basics and concludes by explaining from first principles the variational auto-encoder, an important probabilistic model that is also one of the most influential recent results in deep learning.
ACCESS Video Learning Center
A library of short videos about ACCESS allocations, resources and support.
Beautiful Soup - Simple Python Web Scraping
This package lets you easily scrape websites and extract information based on html tags and various other metadata found in the page. It can be useful for large-scale web analysis and other tasks requiring automated data gathering.
RMACC Website
Rocky Mountain Advanced Computing Consortium Website
AWS Tutorial For Beginners
An AWS Tutorial for Beginners is a course that teaches the basics of Amazon Web Services (AWS), a cloud computing platform that offers a wide range of services, including compute, storage, networking, databases, analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.
Trusted CI
The mission of Trusted CI is to lead in the development of an NSF Cybersecurity Ecosystem with the workforce, knowledge, processes, and cyberinfrastructure that enables trustworthy science and NSF’s vision of a nation that is a global leader in research and innovation.
Introduction to GPU/Parallel Programming using OpenACC
Introduction to the basics of OpenACC.
MATLAB bioinformatics toolbox
Bioinformatics Toolbox provides algorithms and apps for Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), microarray analysis, mass spectrometry, and gene ontology. Using toolbox functions, you can read genomic and proteomic data from standard file formats such as SAM, FASTA, CEL, and CDF, as well as from online databases such as the NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus and GenBank.
MPI Resources
Workshop for beginners and intermediate students in MPI which includes helpful exercises. Open MPI documentation.
The Neuroimaging Tools and Resources Collaboratory (NITRC) is a neuroimaging informatics knowledge environment for MR, PET/SPECT, CT, EEG/MEG, optical imaging, clinical neuroinformatics, imaging genomics, and computational neuroscience tools and resources.
United Nations Mentor Handbook
The United Nations (UN) is an international organization comprising 193 Member States, including the United States. As a global organization, the UN is the one place on Earth where the world's nations can gather to discuss common problems and find shared solutions that benefit all humanity. This handbook has been produced for UN staff of all backgrounds and levels and provides an overview of how to approach your participation in a mentorship program. This resource is quickly digestible and provides a basic structure that will be helpful to review before the first meeting with your mentee.