Knowledge Base Resources
Contributed by cyberinfrastructure professionals (researchers, research computing facilitators, research software engineers and HPC system administrators), these resources are shared through the ConnectCI community platform. Add resources you find helpful!
HPC University
A comprehensive list of training resources from the HPC University. HPCU is a virtual organization whose primary goal is to provide a cohesive, persistent, and sustainable on-line environment to share educational and training materials for a continuum of high performance computing environments that span desktop computing capabilities to the highest-end of computing facilities offered by HPC centers.
Useful R Packages for Data Science and Statistics
This Udacity article listed the most frequently used R packages for data science and statistics. For each package, the article provided the link to its official documentation. It will be a great start point if you want to start your data science journey in R.
Cornell Virtual Workshop
Cornell Virtual Workshop is a comprehensive training resource for high performance computing topics. The Cornell University Center for Advanced Computing (CAC) is a leader in the development and deployment of Web-based training programs. Our Cornell Virtual Workshop learning platform is designed to enhance the computational science skills of researchers, accelerate the adoption of new and emerging technologies, and broaden the participation of underrepresented groups in science and engineering. Over 350,000 unique visitors have accessed Cornell Virtual Workshop training on programming languages, parallel computing, code improvement, and data analysis. The platform supports learning communities around the world, with code examples from national systems such as Frontera, Stampede2, and Jetstream2.
Machine Learning in R online book
The free online book for the mlr3 machine learning framework for R. Gives a comprehensive overview of the package and ecosystem, suitable from beginners to experts. You'll learn how to build and evaluate machine learning models, build complex machine learning pipelines, tune their performance automatically, and explain how machine learning models arrive at their predictions.
Regular Expressions
Regular expressions (sometimes referred to as RegEx) is an incredibly powerful tool that is used to define string patterns for "find" or "find and replace" operations on strings, or for input validation. Regular Expressions are used in search engines, in search and replace dialogs of word processors and text editors, and text-processing Linux utilities such as sed and awk. They are supported in many programming languages, including Python, R, Perl, Java, and others.
Geocomputation with R (Free Reference Book)
Below is a link for a book that focuses on how to use "sf" and "terra" packages for GIS computations. As of 5/1/2023, this book is up to date and examples are error free. The book has a lot of information but provides a good overview and example workflows on how to use these tools.
Fundamentals of R Programming
This course is an introduction to the R programming language and covers the fundamental concepts needed to operate in the R environment. This course was taught for the ACCESS community on September 26, 2023, but the materials for the course are still available on the ACES cluster and can be completed independently. All materials are presented as learnR notebooks and cover several topics, including data types, variables, built-in functions, data structures, and plotting.
Info about retiring of R GIS packages rgdal, rgeos, maptools in 2023
R GIS packages "rgdal", "rgeos", and "maptools" are package set to be archived and no longer supported by end of 2023. Many other R GIS packages are build on top of these packages, including "sp" and "raster". The packages recommended as replacement for "sp" is "sf" and the replacement for "raster" is "terra". Below are links to published articles regarding this transition. Additionally, I am including links to the documentation for the new packages recommended to be used "sf" and "terra".
Data Analysis with R for Educators
This webinar series is an orientation to R. We start with an overview of R’s history and place in the larger data science ecosystem. Next, we introduce the R Studio user interface and how to access R’s excellent documentation. Finally, we present the fundamental concepts you need to use the R environment and language for data analysis. Along the way, we compare R script files (.R) to R Notebook (.Rmd) files and show how the features of R Notebook support better communication and encourage more dynamic engagement with statistical analysis and code. It is helpful to be familiar with tabular data analysis using statistical software, database tools, or spreadsheet programs.
Workshop materials, including setup directions and slides are available at The Rstudio Cloud project used in the workshop is
R for Data Science
R for Data Science is a comprehensive resource for individuals looking to harness the power of the R programming language for data analysis, visualization, and statistical modeling. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced data scientist, this guide will help you unlock the full potential of R in the realm of data science.
Automated Machine Learning Book
The authoritative book on automated machine learning, which allows practitioners without ML expertise to develop and deploy state-of-the-art machine learning approaches. Describes the background of techniques used in detail, along with tools that are available for free.
R for Research Scientists
A book for researchers who contribute code to R projects: This booklet is the result of my work with the Social Cognition for Social Justice lab. It was developed in response to questions I was getting from students; both grad students that were making software design decisions, and undergraduates who were using things like version control for the first time. Although many tutorials and resources exist for these topics, there was not a single source that I thought covered just enough material to build up to the workflow used by the lab without extraneous detail.