Knowledge Base Resources
Contributed by cyberinfrastructure professionals (researchers, research computing facilitators, research software engineers and HPC system administrators), these resources are shared through the ConnectCI community platform. Add resources you find helpful!
The Carpentries
We teach foundational coding and data science skills to researchers worldwide.
HPC University
A comprehensive list of training resources from the HPC University. HPCU is a virtual organization whose primary goal is to provide a cohesive, persistent, and sustainable on-line environment to share educational and training materials for a continuum of high performance computing environments that span desktop computing capabilities to the highest-end of computing facilities offered by HPC centers.
Open OnDemand
Open OnDemand is an easy-to-use web portal that lets students, researchers, and industry professionals use supercomputers from anywhere. It is installed on supercomputing resources at hundreds of sites. By eliminating the need for client software or command-line interface, Open OnDemand empowers users of all skill levels and significantly speeds up the time to their first computing.
Cornell Virtual Workshop
Cornell Virtual Workshop is a comprehensive training resource for high performance computing topics. The Cornell University Center for Advanced Computing (CAC) is a leader in the development and deployment of Web-based training programs. Our Cornell Virtual Workshop learning platform is designed to enhance the computational science skills of researchers, accelerate the adoption of new and emerging technologies, and broaden the participation of underrepresented groups in science and engineering. Over 350,000 unique visitors have accessed Cornell Virtual Workshop training on programming languages, parallel computing, code improvement, and data analysis. The platform supports learning communities around the world, with code examples from national systems such as Frontera, Stampede2, and Jetstream2.
HPC Carpentry
An HPC focused Carpentry community. Trainings include: HPC fundamentals, python, chapel, LAMMPS, parallelization with python, scaling studies, etc.
DARWIN Documentation Pages
DARWIN (Delaware Advanced Research Workforce and Innovation Network) is a big data and high performance computing system designed to catalyze Delaware research and education
Open OnDemand Documentation Repository
This is the main documentation repo for the Open OnDemand Portal which enables researchers to access HPC resources from a familiar web interface.
ACCESS Pegasus Documentation
The documentation provides an overview of using Pegasus, a workflow management system, on ACCESS resources for high throughput computing (HTC) workloads, covering logging in, workflow creation, resource configuration, and monitoring options.
Useful R Packages for Data Science and Statistics
This Udacity article listed the most frequently used R packages for data science and statistics. For each package, the article provided the link to its official documentation. It will be a great start point if you want to start your data science journey in R.
Raftlib: Open Source library for concurrent data processing pipelines
Raftlib is an open-source C++ Library that provides a framework for implementing parallel and concurrent data processing pipelines. It is designed to simplify the development of high-performance data processing applications by abstracting away the complexities of parallelism, concurrency, and data flow management.
It enables stream/data-flow parallel computation by linking parallel compute kernels together using simple right shift operators, similar to C++ streams for string manipulation. RaftLib eliminates the need for explicit usage of traditional threading libraries such as pthreads, std::thread, or OpenMP, which can lead to non-deterministic behavior when misused.
RRCoP Resources Page
Very helpful list of Regulated Research Community of Practice's collaborating communities.
Fine-tuning LLMs with PEFT and LoRA
As LLMs get larger fine-tuning to the full extent can become difficult to train on consumer hardware. Storing and deploying these tuned models can also be quite expensive and difficult to store. With PEFT (parameter -efficent fine tuning), it approaches fine-tune on a smaller scale of model parameters while freezing most parameters of the pretrained LLMs. Basically it is providing full performance that which is similar if not better than full fine tuning while only having a small number of trainable parameters. This source explains that as well as going over LORA diagrams and a code walk through.
DELTA Introductory Video
Introductory video about DELTA. Speaker Tim Boerner, Senior Assistant Director, NCSA
R for Data Science
R for Data Science is a comprehensive resource for individuals looking to harness the power of the R programming language for data analysis, visualization, and statistical modeling. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced data scientist, this guide will help you unlock the full potential of R in the realm of data science.
Better Scientific Software (BSSw)
The Better Scientific Software (BSSw) project provides a community to collaborate and learn about best practices in scientific software development. Software—the foundation of discovery in computational science & engineering—faces increasing complexity in computational models and computer architectures. BSSw provides a central hub for the community to address pressing challenges in software productivity, quality, and sustainability.
The Neuroimaging Tools and Resources Collaboratory (NITRC) is a neuroimaging informatics knowledge environment for MR, PET/SPECT, CT, EEG/MEG, optical imaging, clinical neuroinformatics, imaging genomics, and computational neuroscience tools and resources.
Anvil Home Page
Purdue University is the home of Anvil, a powerful supercomputer that provides advanced computing capabilities to support a wide range of computational and data-intensive research spanning from traditional high-performance computing to modern artificial intelligence applications.
Quick and Robust Data Augmentation with Albumentations Library
Data augmentation is a crucial step in the pipeline for image classification with deep learning. Albumentations is an extremely versatile Python library that can be used to easily augment images. Transformations include rotations, flips, downscaling, distortions, blurs, and many more.
Buslaev A, Iglovikov VI, Khvedchenya E, Parinov A, Druzhinin M, Kalinin AA. Albumentations: Fast and Flexible Image Augmentations. Information. 2020; 11(2):125.
Docker Tutorial for Beginners
A Docker tutorial for beginners is a course that teaches the basics of Docker, a containerization platform that allows you to package your application and its dependencies into a standardized unit for development, shipment, and deployment.
A survey on datasets for fairness-aware machine learning
The research paper provides an overview of various datasets that have been used to study fairness in machine learning. It discusses the characteristics of these datasets, such as their size, diversity, and the fairness-related challenges they address. The paper also examines the different domains and applications covered by these datasets.
MOPAC (Molecular Orbital PACkage) is a semi-empirical quantum chemistry package used to compute molecular properties and structures by using approximations of the Schrödinger equation. This tutorial explains the process of using MOPAC for different forms of calculations.
AI Institutes Cyberinfrastructure Documents: SAIL Meeting
Materials from the SAIL meeting ( A space where AI researchers can learn about using ACCESS resources for AI applications and research.
OpenMP Tutorial
OpenMP (Open Multi-Processing) is an API that supports multi-platform shared-memory multiprocessing programming in C, C++, and Fortran on many platforms, instruction-set architectures and operating systems, including Solaris, AIX, FreeBSD, HP-UX, Linux, macOS, and Windows. It consists of a set of compiler directives, library routines, and environment variables that influence run-time behavior.
Machine Learning in R online book
The free online book for the mlr3 machine learning framework for R. Gives a comprehensive overview of the package and ecosystem, suitable from beginners to experts. You'll learn how to build and evaluate machine learning models, build complex machine learning pipelines, tune their performance automatically, and explain how machine learning models arrive at their predictions.
Cybersecurity Guide
Cybersecurity Guide is a comprehensive resource for students and early career professionals that provides users with a wide range of resources and up-to-date information on cybersecurity, including cybersecurity degree programs and bootcamps, career guides, as well as online courses and training opportunities. Additionally, it covers trends, best practices, and much more.