Knowledge Base Resources
Contributed by cyberinfrastructure professionals (researchers, research computing facilitators, research software engineers and HPC system administrators), these resources are shared through the ConnectCI community platform. Add resources you find helpful!
Rust Web Server Tutorial
This is a beginner-friendly tutorial on how to set up your web server using Rust!
Introduction to Python for Digital Humanities and Computational Research
This documentation contains introductory material on Python Programming for Digital Humanities and Computational Research. This can be a go-to material for a beginner trying to learn Python programming and for anyone wanting a Python refresher.
Useful R Packages for Data Science and Statistics
This Udacity article listed the most frequently used R packages for data science and statistics. For each package, the article provided the link to its official documentation. It will be a great start point if you want to start your data science journey in R.
PyTorch for Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing
PyTorch is a Python library that supports accelerated GPU processing for Machine Learning and Deep Learning. In this tutorial, I will teach the basics of PyTorch from scratch. I will then explore how to use it for some ML projects such as Neural Networks, Multi-layer perceptrons (MLPs), Sentiment analysis with RNN, and Image Classification with CNN.
GIS: Geocoding Services
Geocoding is the process of taking a street address and converting it into coordinates that can be plotted on a map. This conversion typically requires an API call to a remote server hosted by an organization/institution. The remote server will take the address attributes provided by you and the remote server will compare it to the data it contains and return a best estimate on the coordinates for that location.
There are many geocoding services available with different world coverages, quality of result, and set different rate limits for access. For R, a package called "tidygeocoder" provides an easy way to connect to these different services. As an additional benefit, their documentation provides a good summary of geocoding services available and links to their documentation. The link to the documentation for gecoding services accessible by "tidygeocoder" is provided below.
For Python, geopy package is a library that provides connection to various geocoding services. The link to the documentation for this package is also included below.
Open OnDemand Documentation Repository
This is the main documentation repo for the Open OnDemand Portal which enables researchers to access HPC resources from a familiar web interface.
ACCESS Pegasus Documentation
The documentation provides an overview of using Pegasus, a workflow management system, on ACCESS resources for high throughput computing (HTC) workloads, covering logging in, workflow creation, resource configuration, and monitoring options.
Data Visualization tools for Python
Matplotlib is a comprehensive library for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations in Python. It makes analyzing and presenting your data extremely easy and works with Python which many people already know.
DARWIN Documentation Pages
DARWIN (Delaware Advanced Research Workforce and Innovation Network) is a big data and high performance computing system designed to catalyze Delaware research and education
Representation Learning in Deep Learning
Representation learning is a fundamental concept in machine learning and artificial intelligence, particularly in the field of deep learning. At its core, representation learning involves the process of transforming raw data into a form that is more suitable for a specific task or learning objective. This transformation aims to extract meaningful and informative features or representations from the data, which can then be used for various tasks like classification, clustering, regression, and more.
Jetstream2 Docs Site
Jetstream2 makes cutting-edge high-performance computing and software easy to use for your research regardless of your project’s scale—even if you have limited experience with supercomputing systems.Cloud-based and on-demand, the 24/7 system includes discipline-specific apps. You can even create virtual machines that look and feel like your lab workstation or home machine, with thousands of times the computing power.
Official Documentation for PyTorch and NumPy
The official documentation for PyTorch, a machine learning tensor-based framework, and NumPy, which allows for support for ndarrays which is useful to make tensors when implementing NNs. Both libraries can be installed with pip.
EasyBuild Documentation
EasyBuild is a software installation framework that allows administrators to easily build and install software on high-performance computing (HPC) systems. It supports a wide range of software packages, toolchains, and compilers.
Supported software are found in the EasyConfigs repository, one of several resositories in EasyBuild project.
Anvil Documentation
Documentation for Anvil, a powerful supercomputer at Purdue University that provides advanced computing capabilities to support a wide range of computational and data-intensive research spanning from traditional high-performance computing to modern artificial intelligence applications.
Fairness and Machine Learning
The "Fairness and Machine Learning" book offers a rigorous exploration of fairness in ML and is suitable for researchers, practitioners, and anyone interested in understanding the complexities and implications of fairness in machine learning.
Samtools Documentation
Samtools is a suite of programs for interacting with high-throughput sequencing data, especially in the SAM/BAM format. It offers various utilities for processing, analyzing, and managing sequence data generated from next-generation sequencing (NGS) experiments. Samtools is widely used in bioinformatics and genomics research for tasks such as read alignment, variant calling, and data manipulation.
Probabilistic Semantic Data Association for Collaborative Human-Robot Sensing
Humans cannot always be treated as oracles for collaborative sensing. Robots thus need to maintain beliefs over unknown world states when receiving semantic data from humans, as well as account for possible discrepancies between human-provided data and these beliefs. To this end, this paper introduces the problem of semantic data association (SDA) in relation to conventional data association problems for sensor fusion. It then, develops a novel probabilistic semantic data association (PSDA) algorithm to rigorously address SDA in general settings. Simulations of a multi-object search task show that PSDA enables robust collaborative state estimation under a wide range of conditions.
Official Documentation of VisIt
VisIt is a prominent open-source, interactive parallel visualization and graphical analysis tool predominantly used for viewing scientific data. Its GitHub repository offers a detailed insight into the software's source code, documentation, and contribution guidelines. In particular, it offers useful examples on how it
Building the ArduPilot environment for Linux
This article provides instructions for building AirSim, an open-source simulator for autonomous vehicles, on Linux. It outlines the steps to build Unreal Engine, clone and build the AirSim repository, and set up the Unreal environment. It also includes information on how to use AirSim and optional setups such as remote control for manual flight.
United Nations Mentor Handbook
The United Nations (UN) is an international organization comprising 193 Member States, including the United States. As a global organization, the UN is the one place on Earth where the world's nations can gather to discuss common problems and find shared solutions that benefit all humanity. This handbook has been produced for UN staff of all backgrounds and levels and provides an overview of how to approach your participation in a mentorship program. This resource is quickly digestible and provides a basic structure that will be helpful to review before the first meeting with your mentee.
Working with Python on HPC Clusters
This tutorial series and documentation covers topics on using Python on HPC clusters. The specific steps are based on the HOPPER cluster at George Mason University in Fairfax, VA. They should be implementable on most HPC clusters that have the SLURM scheduler installed, the Environment Modules system for managing packages and Open onDemand for a web-based GUI to access the cluster resources.
Factor Graphs and the Sum-Product Algorithm
A tutorial paper that presents a generic message-passing algorithm, the sum-product algorithm, that operates in a factor graph. Following a single, simple computational rule, the sum-product algorithm computes either exactly or approximately various marginal functions derived from the global function. A wide variety of algorithms developed in artificial intelligence, signal processing, and digital communications can be derived as specific instances of the sum-product algorithm, including the forward/backward algorithm, the Viterbi algorithm, the iterative "turbo" decoding algorithm, Pearl's (1988) belief propagation algorithm for Bayesian networks, the Kalman filter, and certain fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithms
Official Python Documentation
The official documentation for Python 3.11.5. Python comes with a lot of features built into the language, so it is worth taking a look as you code.
Paraview UArizona HPC links (advanced)
These links take you to visualization resources supported by the University of Arizona's HPC visualization consultant ([]( The following links are specific to the Paraview program and the workflows that have been used my researchers at the U of Arizona. These links are distinct from the others posted in the beginner paraview access ci links from the University of Arizona in that they are for more complex workflows. The links included explain how to use the terminal with paraview (pvpython), and the steps to leverage HPC resources for headless batch rendering. The batch rendering tutorial is significantly more complex than the others so if you find yourself stuck please post on the and I will try to troubleshoot with you.
Spack Documentation
Spack is a package manager for supercomputers that can help administrators install scientific software and libraries for multiple complex software stacks.