Knowledge Base Resources
Contributed by cyberinfrastructure professionals (researchers, research computing facilitators, research software engineers and HPC system administrators), these resources are shared through the ConnectCI community platform. Add resources you find helpful!
Open OnDemand Documentation Repository
This is the main documentation repo for the Open OnDemand Portal which enables researchers to access HPC resources from a familiar web interface.
Data Visualization tools for Python
Matplotlib is a comprehensive library for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations in Python. It makes analyzing and presenting your data extremely easy and works with Python which many people already know.
Scikit-Learn: Easy Machine Learning and Modeling
Scikit-learn is free software machine learning library for Python. It has a variety of features you can use on data, from linear regression classifiers to xg-boost and random forests. It is very useful when you want to analyze small parts of data quickly.
Introductory Python Lecture Series
A lecture and notes with the goal of teaching introductory python. Starting by understanding how to download and start using python, then expanding to basic syntax for lists, arrays, loops, and methods.
UCLA Extended Reality (XR) collaboration resources and Workshop
Comprehensive Extended Reality (XR) collaboration resources for building a high performance extended reality (XR), augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and mixed reality campus teams. The tags set are a small subset of the the topics covered.
OnShape Documentation
This contains documentation for getting started with using OnShape for CAD. OnShape cloud-hosted CAD software that lets you work with others like on a Google Doc, with the power and capabilities of any other software like Solidworks or Inventor.
Beautiful Soup - Simple Python Web Scraping
This package lets you easily scrape websites and extract information based on html tags and various other metadata found in the page. It can be useful for large-scale web analysis and other tasks requiring automated data gathering.
HPCwire is a prominent news and information source for the HPC community. Their website offers articles, analysis, and reports on HPC technologies, applications, and industry trends.
Docker - Containerized, reproducible workflows
Docker allows for containerization of any task - basically a smaller, scalable version of a virtual machine. This is very useful when transferring work across computing environments, as it ensures reproducibility.
Introduction to Vizualization on HPC Using Python
This workshop has an introduction to the concepts of visualization followed by hands on exercises. The concepts section has Speaker Notes, and the hands on section has an accompanying Jupyter notebook.
The workshop is one in a series of Introduction to HPC
A question and answer forum for neuroscience researchers, infrastructure providers and software developers.
Official Python Documentation
The official documentation for Python 3.11.5. Python comes with a lot of features built into the language, so it is worth taking a look as you code.
Pandas - Python
pandas is a fast, powerful, flexible and easy to use open source data analysis and manipulation tool, built on top of the Python programming language. It lets you store data in easy to manage and display data frames, with column names and datatypes.
Warewulf documentation
Warewulf is an operating system provisioning platform for Linux that is designed to produce secure, scalable, turnkey cluster deployments that maintain flexibility and simplicity. It can be used to setup a stateless provisioning in HPC environment.
Numpy - a Python Library
Numpy is a python package that leverages types and compiled C code to make many math operations in Python efficient. It is especially useful for matrix manipulation and operations.
AI for improved HPC research - Cursor and Termius - Powerpoint
These slides provide an introduction on how Termius and Cursor, two new and freemium apps that use AI to perform more efficient work, can be used for faster HPC research.
Samtools Documentation
Samtools is a suite of programs for interacting with high-throughput sequencing data, especially in the SAM/BAM format. It offers various utilities for processing, analyzing, and managing sequence data generated from next-generation sequencing (NGS) experiments. Samtools is widely used in bioinformatics and genomics research for tasks such as read alignment, variant calling, and data manipulation.
Docker Container Library
The Docker container library, commonly known as Docker Hub, is a vast repository that hosts a multitude of pre-configured container images, streamlining the deployment process. It can drastically speed up a workflow, and gives you a consistent starting point each time. Check it out, they might have exactly what you are looking for!
PetIGA, an open-source code for isogeometric analysis
This documentation provides an overview of the PetIGA framework, an open source code for solving multiphysics problems with isogeometric analysis. The documentation covers some simple tutorials and examples to help users get started with the framework and apply it to solve real-world problems in continuum mechanics, including solid and fluid mechanics.
CUDA Toolkit Documentation
NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit Documentation: If you are working with GPUs in HPC, the NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit is essential. You can access the CUDA Toolkit documentation, including programming guides and API references, at this provided website
TensorFlow for Deep Neural Networks
TensorFlow is a powerful framework for Deep Learning, developed by google. This specifically is their python package, which is easy to use and can be used to train incredibly powerful models.
Data Imputation Methods for Climate Data and Mortality Data
This slices and videos introduced how to use K-Nearest-Neighbors method to impute climate data and how to use Bayesian Spatio-Temporal models in R-INLA to impute mortality data. The demos will be added soon.
Optimizing Research Workflows - A Documentation of Snakemake
Snakemake is a powerful and versatile workflow management system that simplifies the creation, execution, and management of data analysis pipelines. It uses a user-friendly, Python-based language to define workflows, making it particularly valuable for automating and reproducibly managing complex computational tasks in research and data analysis.
OnShape FeatureScripts: Custom features for everyone
OnShape FeatureScripts allow users to create their own features via OnShape's programming language. The user can make these as simple or complex as they need, and they can save tons of time for heavy OnShape users or complex projects!
The Use of High-Performance Computing Services in University Settings: A Usability Case Study of the University of Cincinnati’s High-Performance Computing Cluster
This presentation gives a detailed breakdown of the outcome of my master's thesis which was focused on making HPC Clusters accessible across all disciplines in a university setting "Our Case Study was the university of Cincinnati".