Knowledge Base Resources
Contributed by cyberinfrastructure professionals (researchers, research computing facilitators, research software engineers and HPC system administrators), these resources are shared through the ConnectCI community platform. Add resources you find helpful!
HPC University
A comprehensive list of training resources from the HPC University. HPCU is a virtual organization whose primary goal is to provide a cohesive, persistent, and sustainable on-line environment to share educational and training materials for a continuum of high performance computing environments that span desktop computing capabilities to the highest-end of computing facilities offered by HPC centers.
NCSA HPC Training Moodle
Self-paced tutorials on high-end computing topics such as parallel computing, multi-core performance, and performance tools. Other related topics include 'Cybersecurity for End Users' and 'Developing Webinar Training.' Some of the tutorials also offer digital badges. Many of these tutorials were previously offered on CI-Tutor. A list of open access training courses are provided below.
Parallel Computing on High-Performance Systems
Profiling Python Applications
Using an HPC Cluster for Scientific Applications
Debugging Serial and Parallel Codes
Introduction to MPI
Introduction to OpenMP
Introduction to Visualization
Introduction to Performance Tools
Multilevel Parallel Programming
Introduction to Multi-core Performance
Using the Lustre File System
Gentle Introduction to Programming With Python
This course from MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) covers very basic information on how to get started with programming using Python. Lectures are available, along with practice assignments, to users at no cost. Python has many applications in tech today, from web frameworks to machine learning. This course will also instruct users on how to get set up with an IDE, which will allow for way more efficient debugging.
Using Linux commands in a python script (and the difference between the subprocess and os python modules)
Learn how to use Linux commands in a python script. Specifically, learn how to use the subprocess and os modules in python to run shell commands (which run Linux commands) in a python script that is run on a cluster.
Cornell Virtual Workshop
Cornell Virtual Workshop is a comprehensive training resource for high performance computing topics. The Cornell University Center for Advanced Computing (CAC) is a leader in the development and deployment of Web-based training programs. Our Cornell Virtual Workshop learning platform is designed to enhance the computational science skills of researchers, accelerate the adoption of new and emerging technologies, and broaden the participation of underrepresented groups in science and engineering. Over 350,000 unique visitors have accessed Cornell Virtual Workshop training on programming languages, parallel computing, code improvement, and data analysis. The platform supports learning communities around the world, with code examples from national systems such as Frontera, Stampede2, and Jetstream2.
Attention, Transformers, and LLMs: a hands-on introduction in Pytorch
This workshop focuses on developing an understanding of the fundamentals of attention and the transformer architecture so that you can understand how LLMs work and use them in your own projects.
Introduction to Deep Learning in Pytorch
This workshop series introduces the essential concepts in deep learning and walks through the common steps in a deep learning workflow from data loading and preprocessing to training and model evaluation. Throughout the sessions, students participate in writing and executing simple deep learning programs using Pytorch – a popular Python library for developing, training, and deploying deep learning models.
ACCESS HPC Workshop Series
Monthly workshops sponsored by ACCESS on a variety of HPC topics organized by Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (PSC). Each workshop will be telecast to multiple satellite sites and workshop materials are archived.
Version control with Git
Understand the benefits of an automated version control system and the basics of how automated version control systems work. Configure git the first time it is used on a computer and understand the meaning of the --global configuration flag. Create a local Git repository and describe the purpose of the .git directory. Go through the modify-add-commit cycle for one or more files, explain where information is stored at each stage of that cycle, and distinguish between descriptive and non-descriptive commit messages.
Astronomy data analysis with astropy
Astropy is a community-driven package that offers core functionalities needed for astrophysical computations and data analysis. From coordinate transformations to time and date handling, unit conversions, and cosmological calculations, Astropy ensures that astronomers can focus on their research without getting bogged down by the intricacies of programming. This guide walks you through practical usage of astropy from CCD data reduction to computing galactic orbits of stars.
Linux Tutorial from Ryan's Tutorials
The following pages are intended to give you a solid foundation in how to use the terminal, to get the computer to do useful work for you. You won't be a Unix guru at the end but you will be well on your way and armed with the right knowledge and skills to get you there if that's what you want (which you should because that will make you even more awesome). Here you will learn the Linux command line (Bash) with our 13 part beginners tutorial. It contains clear descriptions, command outlines, examples, shortcuts and best practice. At first, the Linux command line may seem daunting, complex and scary. It is actually quite simple and intuitive (once you understand what is going on that is), and once you work through the following sections you will understand what is going on. Unix likes to take the approach of giving you a set of building blocks and then letting you put them together. This allows us to build things to suit our needs. With a bit of creativity and logical thinking, mixed in with an appreciation of how the blocks work, we can assemble tools to do virtually anything we want. The aim is to be lazy. Why should we do anything we can get the computer to do for us? The only reason I can think of is that you don't know how (but after working through these pages you will know how, so then there won't be a good reason). A question that may have crossed your mind is "Why should I bother learning the command line? The Graphical User Interface is much easier and I can already do most of what I need there." To a certain extent you would be right, and by no means am I suggesting you should ditch the GUI. Some tasks are best suited to a GUI, word processing and video editing are great examples. At the same time, some tasks are more suited to the command line, data manipulation (reporting) and file management are some good examples. Some tasks will be just as easy in either environment. Think of the command line as another tool you can add to your belt. As always, pick the best tool for the job.
Cyber Security
learning cybersecurity is crucial for personal protection, safeguarding digital assets, financial security, and national security. It is important when it comes to consumer data protection for business, creating long lasting relationships with customers.
Why 'N How: Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging:
The Why & How seminar series is designed to introduce research assistants, graduate students, and postdoctoral and clinical fellows – really, anyone who is interested – to the many tools used in medical imaging. These include software tools and most of the major imaging modalities wielded by investigators (MRI, PET, EEG, MEG, optical, TMS and others). As the name of the series suggests, the talks cover both the reasons researchers might need a particular tool and the nuts and bolts of how to apply it. You can watch videos of the overviews below.
Git Branching Workflow and Maneuvers
A couple of resources that:
1.) Presents and defends a git branching workflow for stable collaborative git based projects. ("A Successful Git Branching Model")
2.) Maps "What do you want to do?" to the commands necessary to accomplish it. ("Git Flight Rules")
AI Institutes Cyberinfrastructure Documents: SAIL Meeting
Materials from the SAIL meeting ( A space where AI researchers can learn about using ACCESS resources for AI applications and research.
Slurm Tutorials
Introduction to the Slurm Workload Manager for users and system administrators, plus some material for Slurm programmers.
Bash shell tutorial
Training materials for using the bash (and zsh) shell.
Training an LSTM Model in Pytorch
This google colab notebook tutorial demonstrates how to create and train an lstm model in pytorch to be used to predict time series data. An airline passenger dataset is used as an example.
Open-Source Server Virtualization Platform
Proxmox Virtual Environment is a hyper-converged infrastructure open-source software. It is a hosted hypervisor that can run operating systems including Linux and Windows on x64 hardware.
Harnessing the Power of Cloud and Machine Learning for Climate and Ocean Advances
Documentation and presentation on how to use machine learning and deep learning framework using TensorFlow, Keras and sci-kit learn for Climate and Ocean Advances
Thrust resources
Thrust is a CUDA library that optimizes parallelization on the GPU for you. The Thrust tutorial is great for beginners. The documentation is helpful for anyone using Thrust.
Trinity Tutorial for Transcriptome Assembly
Trinity is one of the most popular tool to assemble transcripts from RNA-Seq short reads. In this tutorial, we will cover the basic usage of Trinity, best practice and common problems.
CHARMM Links to Install, Run, and Troubleshoot MD Simulations
CHARMM (Chemistry at HARvard Macromolecular Mechanics) is a widely distributed molecular simulation program with a broad array of applications. CHARMM has the capabilities to setup and run simulations on both biological and materials systems, contains a comprehensive set of analysis and tools, and has high performance on a variety of platforms. Here you will find links to the CHARMM website, forum, and registration/download page.
OpenMP Tutorial
OpenMP (Open Multi-Processing) is an API that supports multi-platform shared-memory multiprocessing programming in C, C++, and Fortran on many platforms, instruction-set architectures and operating systems, including Solaris, AIX, FreeBSD, HP-UX, Linux, macOS, and Windows. It consists of a set of compiler directives, library routines, and environment variables that influence run-time behavior.
Introduction to Linux CLI for Researchers
The goal of this video is to help researchers and students recently given allocations to High Performance Compute resources a basic introduction to Linux commands to help them get started. These are a few of the most fundamental commands for navigating and getting started.
If you find this video helpful or would like me to continue this series let me know!