Knowledge Base Resources
Contributed by cyberinfrastructure professionals (researchers, research computing facilitators, research software engineers and HPC system administrators), these resources are shared through the ConnectCI community platform. Add resources you find helpful!
The Carpentries
We teach foundational coding and data science skills to researchers worldwide.
HPC University
A comprehensive list of training resources from the HPC University. HPCU is a virtual organization whose primary goal is to provide a cohesive, persistent, and sustainable on-line environment to share educational and training materials for a continuum of high performance computing environments that span desktop computing capabilities to the highest-end of computing facilities offered by HPC centers.
HPC Carpentry
An HPC focused Carpentry community. Trainings include: HPC fundamentals, python, chapel, LAMMPS, parallelization with python, scaling studies, etc.
ACCESS HPC Workshop Series
Monthly workshops sponsored by ACCESS on a variety of HPC topics organized by Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (PSC). Each workshop will be telecast to multiple satellite sites and workshop materials are archived.
Cornell Virtual Workshop
Cornell Virtual Workshop is a comprehensive training resource for high performance computing topics. The Cornell University Center for Advanced Computing (CAC) is a leader in the development and deployment of Web-based training programs. Our Cornell Virtual Workshop learning platform is designed to enhance the computational science skills of researchers, accelerate the adoption of new and emerging technologies, and broaden the participation of underrepresented groups in science and engineering. Over 350,000 unique visitors have accessed Cornell Virtual Workshop training on programming languages, parallel computing, code improvement, and data analysis. The platform supports learning communities around the world, with code examples from national systems such as Frontera, Stampede2, and Jetstream2.
NCSA HPC Training Moodle
Self-paced tutorials on high-end computing topics such as parallel computing, multi-core performance, and performance tools. Other related topics include 'Cybersecurity for End Users' and 'Developing Webinar Training.' Some of the tutorials also offer digital badges. Many of these tutorials were previously offered on CI-Tutor. A list of open access training courses are provided below.
Parallel Computing on High-Performance Systems
Profiling Python Applications
Using an HPC Cluster for Scientific Applications
Debugging Serial and Parallel Codes
Introduction to MPI
Introduction to OpenMP
Introduction to Visualization
Introduction to Performance Tools
Multilevel Parallel Programming
Introduction to Multi-core Performance
Using the Lustre File System
How to Get the Most Out of a Mentoring Relationship by The Plank Center
Backed by collegiate white papers, top industry professionals, and researchers, The Plank Center’s Mentorship Guide offers basic tips and tricks on how to get the most out of a mentorship relationship. This easy-to-follow guide supplements mentorship programs, lesson plans, and professional relationships.
Python Tools for Data Science
Python has become a very popular programming language and software ecosystem for work in Data Science, integrating support for data access, data processing, modeling, machine learning, and visualization. In this webinar, we will describe some of the key Python packages that have been developed to support that work, and highlight some of their capabilities. This webinar will also serve as an introduction and overview of topics addressed in two Cornell Virtual Workshop tutorials, available at and
Developer Stories Podcast
As developers, we get excited to think about challenging problems. When you ask us what we are working on, our eyes light up like children in a candy store. So why is it that so many of our developer and software origin stories are not told? How did we get to where we are today, and what did we learn along the way? This podcast aims to look “Behind the Scenes of Tech’s Passion Projects and People.” We want to know your developer story, what you have built, and why. We are an inclusive community - whatever kind of institution or country you hail from, if you are passionate about software and technology you are welcome!
ACES: Charliecloud Containers for Scientific Workflows (Tutorial)
This tutorial introduces the use of Containers using the Charliecloud software suite. This tutorial will provide participants with background and hands-on experience to use basic Charliecloud containers for HPC applications. We discuss what containers are, why they matter for HPC, and how they work. We'll give an overview of Charliecloud, the unprivileged container solution from Los Alamos National Laboratory's HPC Division. Students will learn how to build toy containers and containerize real HPC applications, and then run them on a cluster. Exercises are demonstrated using the ACES cluster, a composable accelerator testbed at Texas A&M University. Students with an allocation on the ACES cluster can follow along with the ACES-specific exercises.
Learn Python Online
Learn Python online with these distance learning courses.
Oakridge Leadership Computing Facility (OLCF) Training Events and Archive
Upcoming training events and archives of training materials detailing general HPC best practices as well as how to use OLCF resources and services.
HPCwire is a prominent news and information source for the HPC community. Their website offers articles, analysis, and reports on HPC technologies, applications, and industry trends.
Fastai offers many tools to people working with machine learning and artifical intelligence including tutorials on PyTorch in addition to their own library built on PyTorch, news articles, and other resources to dive into this realm.
Introduction to Linux CLI for Researchers
The goal of this video is to help researchers and students recently given allocations to High Performance Compute resources a basic introduction to Linux commands to help them get started. These are a few of the most fundamental commands for navigating and getting started.
If you find this video helpful or would like me to continue this series let me know!
Using Dask on HPC Systems
A tutorial on the effective use of Dask on HPC resources. The four-hour tutorial will be split into two sections, with early topics focused on novice Dask users and later topics focused on intermediate usage on HPC and associated best practices. The knowledge areas covered include (but are not limited to):
Beginner section
High-level collections including dask.array and dask.dataframe
Distributed Dask clusters using HPC job schedulers
Earth Science data analysis using Dask with Xarray
Using the Dask dashboard to understand your computation
Intermediate section
Optimizing the number of workers and memory allocation
Choosing appropriate chunk shapes and sizes for Dask collections
Querying resource usage and debugging errors
Long Tales of Science: A podcast about women in HPC
A series of interviews with women in the HPC community
Cyber Security
learning cybersecurity is crucial for personal protection, safeguarding digital assets, financial security, and national security. It is important when it comes to consumer data protection for business, creating long lasting relationships with customers.
Cybersecurity Guide
Cybersecurity Guide is a comprehensive resource for students and early career professionals that provides users with a wide range of resources and up-to-date information on cybersecurity, including cybersecurity degree programs and bootcamps, career guides, as well as online courses and training opportunities. Additionally, it covers trends, best practices, and much more.
Trusted CI
The mission of Trusted CI is to lead in the development of an NSF Cybersecurity Ecosystem with the workforce, knowledge, processes, and cyberinfrastructure that enables trustworthy science and NSF’s vision of a nation that is a global leader in research and innovation.
Advanced Compilers: The Self-Guided Online Course
This is a self guided online course on compilers. The topics covered throughout the course include universal compilers topics like intermediate representations, data flow, and “classic” optimizations as well as more research focusedtopics such as parallelization, just-in-time compilation, and garbage collection.
Introduction to Vizualization on HPC Using Python
This workshop has an introduction to the concepts of visualization followed by hands on exercises. The concepts section has Speaker Notes, and the hands on section has an accompanying Jupyter notebook.
The workshop is one in a series of Introduction to HPC
Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning
CS244N is a renowned natural language processing course offered by Stanford University and taught by Christopher Manning. It covers a wide range of topics in NLP, including language modeling, machine translation, sentiment analysis, and more. It teaches both foundational concepts and cutting-edge research to gain a comprehensive understanding of NLP techniques and applications.
Understanding LLM Fine-tuning
With the recent uprising of LLM's many business are looking at way to adopt these LLMs and fine-tuning these models on specfic data sets to ensure accuracy. These models when fine-tuned can be optimal for fulfilling the specific needs of a company. This site explains explicitly when, how, and why models should be trained. It goes over various strategies for LLM fine -tuning.
DELTA Introductory Video
Introductory video about DELTA. Speaker Tim Boerner, Senior Assistant Director, NCSA