Knowledge Base Resources
Contributed by cyberinfrastructure professionals (researchers, research computing facilitators, research software engineers and HPC system administrators), these resources are shared through the ConnectCI community platform. Add resources you find helpful!
Hour of Ci
Hour of Cyberinfrastructure (Hour of CI) is a nationwide campaign to introduce undergraduate and graduate students to cyberinfrastructure and geographic information science (GIS).
Open-Source Server Virtualization Platform
Proxmox Virtual Environment is a hyper-converged infrastructure open-source software. It is a hosted hypervisor that can run operating systems including Linux and Windows on x64 hardware.
Texas A&M HPRC Training Site
Training Resources and Courses offered by Texas A&M's Research Computing Group
Official Python Documentation
The official documentation for Python 3.11.5. Python comes with a lot of features built into the language, so it is worth taking a look as you code.
Big Data Research at the University of Colorado Boulder
Background: Big data, defined as having high volume, complexity or velocity, have the potential to greatly accelerate research discovery. Such data can be challenging to work with and require research support and training to address technical and ethical challenges surrounding big data collection, analysis, and publication.
Methods: The present study was conducted via a series of semi-structured interviews to assess big data methodologies employed by CU Boulder researchers across a broad sample of disciplines, with the goal of illuminating how they conduct their research; identifying challenges and needs; and providing recommendations for addressing them.
Findings: Key results and conclusions from the study indicate: gaps in awareness of existing big data services provided by CU Boulder; open questions surrounding big data ethics, security and privacy issues; a need for clarity on how to attribute credit for big data research; and a preference for a variety of training options to support big data research.