Knowledge Base Resources
Contributed by cyberinfrastructure professionals (researchers, research computing facilitators, research software engineers and HPC system administrators), these resources are shared through the ConnectCI community platform. Add resources you find helpful!
ACCESS Video Learning Center
A library of short videos about ACCESS allocations, resources and support.
Bash shell tutorial
Training materials for using the bash (and zsh) shell.
The Theory Behind Neural Networks (Very Simplified)
This video by the YouTube channel 3Blue1Brown provides a very simplified introduction to the theory behind neural networks. This tutorial is perfect for those that don't have much linear algebra or machine learning background and are eager to step into the realm of ML!
Moving-Lid-Driven Flow Simulation by Finite Difference Method
The listed repository contains code written in C++ to model the flow inside a cavity with a lid moving above from left to right by discretizing incompressible N-S equations with finite difference method. For the governing equations, artificial viscosity has been considered to increase the stability. In terms of solving the resulted algebraic equation system, both the Point Jacobi Method and Symmetric Gauss Seidel methods have been used for the iteration process.
Running Particle-in-Cell Simulations on HPC
WarpX is an advanced particle-in-cell code used to model particle accelerators, which needs to be run on HPC. This website contains the tutorial on how to build WarpX on various HPC systems such as NERSC along with examples on how to set up post-processing/visualization tools for different physics cases.
Jetstream2 Docs Site
Jetstream2 makes cutting-edge high-performance computing and software easy to use for your research regardless of your project’s scale—even if you have limited experience with supercomputing systems.Cloud-based and on-demand, the 24/7 system includes discipline-specific apps. You can even create virtual machines that look and feel like your lab workstation or home machine, with thousands of times the computing power.
Research Software Development in JupyterLab: A Platform for Collaboration Between Scientists and RSEs
Iterative Programming takes place when you can explore your code and play with your objects and functions without needing to save, recompile, or leave your development environment. This has traditionally been achieved with a REPL or an interactive shell. The magic of Jupyter Notebooks is that the interactive shell is saved as a persistant document, so you don't have to flip back and forth between your code files and the shell in order to program iteratively.
There are several editors and IDE's that are intended for notebook development, but JupyterLab is a natural choice because it is free and open source and most closely related to the Jupyter Notebooks/iPython projects. The chief motivation of this repository is to enable an IDE-like development environment through the use of extensions. There are also expositional notebooks to show off the usefulness of these features.
Guide to building AirSim on Linux machines
This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to build AirSim, a simulator for autonomous vehicles, on Linux. It includes both Docker and host machine setup options, along with details on building Unreal Engine, AirSim, and the Unreal environment. It also provides guidance on how to use AirSim once it is set up.
DeepChem is an open-source library built on TensorFlow and PyTorch. It is helpful in applying machine learning algorithms to molecular data.
National Public Radio (NPR)
Pluses and challenges of mentor selection. Offers tips for acquiring a mentor (finding, asking). And how to be a good mentee. SMART framework mentioned. Discrimination mentioned. Difference between mentor and sponsor underlined. More than one mentor encouraged. Good tips.
WRF in the Public Cloud
CAC summer student employee Jeff Lantz describes his experiences in running the WRF weather forecasting application in the public cloud. He compares the major cloud providers and some container-based deployment technologies that are available on each, with a particular emphasis on Docker and Kubernetes. Since WRF is a computationally intensive numerical simulation, Jeff had to pay special attention to certain HPC characteristics of the code, such as the need to launch multiple communicating MPI processes on one or more cloud instances, and the need to set up an NFS file server to satisfy I/O requirements.
OnShape Documentation
This contains documentation for getting started with using OnShape for CAD. OnShape cloud-hosted CAD software that lets you work with others like on a Google Doc, with the power and capabilities of any other software like Solidworks or Inventor.
Linux Tutorial from Ryan's Tutorials
The following pages are intended to give you a solid foundation in how to use the terminal, to get the computer to do useful work for you. You won't be a Unix guru at the end but you will be well on your way and armed with the right knowledge and skills to get you there if that's what you want (which you should because that will make you even more awesome). Here you will learn the Linux command line (Bash) with our 13 part beginners tutorial. It contains clear descriptions, command outlines, examples, shortcuts and best practice. At first, the Linux command line may seem daunting, complex and scary. It is actually quite simple and intuitive (once you understand what is going on that is), and once you work through the following sections you will understand what is going on. Unix likes to take the approach of giving you a set of building blocks and then letting you put them together. This allows us to build things to suit our needs. With a bit of creativity and logical thinking, mixed in with an appreciation of how the blocks work, we can assemble tools to do virtually anything we want. The aim is to be lazy. Why should we do anything we can get the computer to do for us? The only reason I can think of is that you don't know how (but after working through these pages you will know how, so then there won't be a good reason). A question that may have crossed your mind is "Why should I bother learning the command line? The Graphical User Interface is much easier and I can already do most of what I need there." To a certain extent you would be right, and by no means am I suggesting you should ditch the GUI. Some tasks are best suited to a GUI, word processing and video editing are great examples. At the same time, some tasks are more suited to the command line, data manipulation (reporting) and file management are some good examples. Some tasks will be just as easy in either environment. Think of the command line as another tool you can add to your belt. As always, pick the best tool for the job.
Optimizing Research Workflows - A Documentation of Snakemake
Snakemake is a powerful and versatile workflow management system that simplifies the creation, execution, and management of data analysis pipelines. It uses a user-friendly, Python-based language to define workflows, making it particularly valuable for automating and reproducibly managing complex computational tasks in research and data analysis.
CHARMM Links to Install, Run, and Troubleshoot MD Simulations
CHARMM (Chemistry at HARvard Macromolecular Mechanics) is a widely distributed molecular simulation program with a broad array of applications. CHARMM has the capabilities to setup and run simulations on both biological and materials systems, contains a comprehensive set of analysis and tools, and has high performance on a variety of platforms. Here you will find links to the CHARMM website, forum, and registration/download page.
Singularity/Apptainer User Manuals
Singularity/Apptainer is a free and open-source container platform that allows users to build and run containers on high performance computing resources.
SingularityCE is the community edition of Singularity maintained by Sylabs, a company that also offers commercial Singularity products and services.
Apptainer is a fork of Singularity, maintained by the Linux foundation, a community of developers and users who are passionate about open source software.
DELTA Introductory Video
Introductory video about DELTA. Speaker Tim Boerner, Senior Assistant Director, NCSA
ACCESS KB Guide - Anvil
Purdue University is the home of Anvil, a powerful supercomputer that provides advanced computing capabilities to support a wide range of computational and data-intensive research spanning from traditional high-performance computing to modern artificial intelligence applications.
GIS: Projections and their distortions
In GIS, projections are helpful to take something plotted on a globe and convert it to a flat map that we can print or show on a screen. Unfortunately it also introduces distortions to the objects and features on the map. This not only distorts the objects visually, but the results for any spatial attribute calculations will also reflect this distortion (such as distance and area ). Below is a link to a quick primer on projections, types of distortions that can occur, and suggestions on how to choose a correct projection for your work.
Beautiful Soup - Simple Python Web Scraping
This package lets you easily scrape websites and extract information based on html tags and various other metadata found in the page. It can be useful for large-scale web analysis and other tasks requiring automated data gathering.
AI Institutes Cyberinfrastructure Documents: SAIL Meeting
Materials from the SAIL meeting ( A space where AI researchers can learn about using ACCESS resources for AI applications and research.
Python course offered by Texas A&M HPRC
R for Data Science
R for Data Science is a comprehensive resource for individuals looking to harness the power of the R programming language for data analysis, visualization, and statistical modeling. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced data scientist, this guide will help you unlock the full potential of R in the realm of data science.
A survey on datasets for fairness-aware machine learning
The research paper provides an overview of various datasets that have been used to study fairness in machine learning. It discusses the characteristics of these datasets, such as their size, diversity, and the fairness-related challenges they address. The paper also examines the different domains and applications covered by these datasets.
Termius - Modern ssh platform
**Termius: The Modern SSH Client for 2023**
Termius is the future-facing SSH client that's redefining remote server access in 2023. Designed for ease and efficiency, Termius offers a seamless connection experience across all devices, be it mobile or desktop. Gone are the days of re-inputting IP addresses, ports, and passwords; with Termius, one-click connectivity is the new norm.
**How Termius Elevates Remote Server Access:**
1. **One-Click Connectivity:** Save the hassle of remembering and re-entering connection details. Termius provides an immediate connection to your infrastructure with a single click.
2. **Synchronized Across Devices:** Termius ensures that your data, connection settings, and preferences are consistent across all your devices, from mobile to desktop.
3. **Unparalleled Security:** With the Cloud Vault feature, users can securely store their data in an encrypted environment, accessible only from their specific devices. Shared vaults allow for safe connection sharing within teams.
4. **AI-Powered Terminal Experience:** Advanced AI-driven autocomplete means users can input command descriptions, and Termius will swiftly convert them into accurate bash commands, simplifying and enhancing the terminal interaction.
5. **Collaborative Troubleshooting:** Share terminal sessions with teammates, facilitating cooperative problem-solving or knowledge sharing. No additional server-side installations needed.
6. **Automation and Snippets:** Streamline routine processes with the ability to save and run frequently used shell scripts. Sharing these Snippets with your team can lead to increased productivity and fewer manual errors.
7. **All-Device Compatibility:** Whether on iPad, iPhone, Android, macOS, Windows, or Linux, Termius ensures a consistent and fluid experience. The platform's synchronization capability means you're always ready to respond swiftly, irrespective of the device in use.
For professionals and businesses aiming for top-notch server access efficiency, Termius is the gold standard in 2023. Experience the revolution in SSH connectivity and optimize your workflow with Termius.