Knowledge Base Resources
Contributed by cyberinfrastructure professionals (researchers, research computing facilitators, research software engineers and HPC system administrators), these resources are shared through the ConnectCI community platform. Add resources you find helpful!
NERSC Training and Tutorials
A comprehensive collection of NERSC developed training and tutorial events, offered on regular schedules. All sessions are archived, including slide decks, video recordings, and software examples as are available. Some examples of past training and tutorial topics are listed below
Deep Learning for Sciences Webinar Series
BerkeleyGW Tutorial Workshop
VASP Trainings
Timemory Software Monitoring Tutorial, April 2021
HPCToolkit to Measure and Analyzing GPU Applications Performance Tutorial
Totalview Tutorial
NVidia HPCSDK - OpenMP Target Offload Training
Parallelware Training Series
ARM Debugging and Profiling Tools Tutorial
Roofline on NVIDIA GPUs
GPUs for Science events
3-part OpenACC Training Series
9-part CUDA Training Series
ACCESS Getting Started Quick-Guide
A step-by-step guide to getting your first allocation for Access computing and storage resources.
Globus Documentation
Globus is a data transfer, sharing, automation, and discovery service used by hundreds of thousands of researchers to manage "big data" at universities, research labs, and national systems such as ACCESS. The Globus documentation website provides how-to guides, reference documentation, and examples for Globus's web application, command-line interface, Python software development kit (SDK), and APIs.
Set Up VSCode for Python and Github
VSCode is a popular IDE that runs on Windows, MacOS, and Linux. This tutorial will explain how to get set up with VSCode to code in Python. It will also provide a tutorial on how to set up Github integration within VSCode.
Slurm Scheduling Software Documentation
Slurm is an open source, fault-tolerant, and highly scalable cluster management and job scheduling system for large and small Linux clusters. Slurm requires no kernel modifications for its operation and is relatively self-contained. As a cluster workload manager, Slurm has three key functions. First, it allocates exclusive and/or non-exclusive access to resources (compute nodes) to users for some duration of time so they can perform work. Second, it provides a framework for starting, executing, and monitoring work (normally a parallel job) on the set of allocated nodes. Finally, it arbitrates contention for resources by managing a queue of pending work.
Data visualization with Matplotlib
Data visualization is a critical aspect of data analysis. It allows for a clear and concise representation of data, making it easier for users to understand and interpret complex datasets. One of the most popular libraries for data visualization in Python is Matplotlib. The included website aims to provide a brief overview of Matplotlib, its features, and examples/exercises to dive deeper into its functionalities.
ACES: Charliecloud Containers for Scientific Workflows (Tutorial)
This tutorial introduces the use of Containers using the Charliecloud software suite. This tutorial will provide participants with background and hands-on experience to use basic Charliecloud containers for HPC applications. We discuss what containers are, why they matter for HPC, and how they work. We'll give an overview of Charliecloud, the unprivileged container solution from Los Alamos National Laboratory's HPC Division. Students will learn how to build toy containers and containerize real HPC applications, and then run them on a cluster. Exercises are demonstrated using the ACES cluster, a composable accelerator testbed at Texas A&M University. Students with an allocation on the ACES cluster can follow along with the ACES-specific exercises.
Warewulf documentation
Warewulf is an operating system provisioning platform for Linux that is designed to produce secure, scalable, turnkey cluster deployments that maintain flexibility and simplicity. It can be used to setup a stateless provisioning in HPC environment.
Working with Python on HPC Clusters
This tutorial series and documentation covers topics on using Python on HPC clusters. The specific steps are based on the HOPPER cluster at George Mason University in Fairfax, VA. They should be implementable on most HPC clusters that have the SLURM scheduler installed, the Environment Modules system for managing packages and Open onDemand for a web-based GUI to access the cluster resources.
Raftlib: Open Source library for concurrent data processing pipelines
Raftlib is an open-source C++ Library that provides a framework for implementing parallel and concurrent data processing pipelines. It is designed to simplify the development of high-performance data processing applications by abstracting away the complexities of parallelism, concurrency, and data flow management.
It enables stream/data-flow parallel computation by linking parallel compute kernels together using simple right shift operators, similar to C++ streams for string manipulation. RaftLib eliminates the need for explicit usage of traditional threading libraries such as pthreads, std::thread, or OpenMP, which can lead to non-deterministic behavior when misused.
InsideHPC is an informational site offers videos, research papers, articles, and other resources focused on machine learning and quantum computing among other topics within high performance computing.
Python Tools for Data Science
Python has become a very popular programming language and software ecosystem for work in Data Science, integrating support for data access, data processing, modeling, machine learning, and visualization. In this webinar, we will describe some of the key Python packages that have been developed to support that work, and highlight some of their capabilities. This webinar will also serve as an introduction and overview of topics addressed in two Cornell Virtual Workshop tutorials, available at and
Introduction to Linux CLI for Researchers
The goal of this video is to help researchers and students recently given allocations to High Performance Compute resources a basic introduction to Linux commands to help them get started. These are a few of the most fundamental commands for navigating and getting started.
If you find this video helpful or would like me to continue this series let me know!
Official Documentation of VisIt
VisIt is a prominent open-source, interactive parallel visualization and graphical analysis tool predominantly used for viewing scientific data. Its GitHub repository offers a detailed insight into the software's source code, documentation, and contribution guidelines. In particular, it offers useful examples on how it
Higher Ed Controlled Unclassified Information Slack (HigherEdCUI)
Slack channel for the Higher Ed CUI community
Setting up PyFR flow solver on clusters
These instructions were executed on the FASTER and Grace cluster computing facilities at Texas A&M University. However, the process can be applied to other clusters with similar environments. For local installation, please refer to the PyFR documentation.
Please note that these instructions were valid at the time of writing. Depending on the time you're executing these, the versions of the modules may need to be updated.
1. Loading Modules
The first step involves loading pre-installed software libraries required for PyFR. Execute the following commands in your terminal to load these modules:
module load foss/2022b
module load libffi/3.4.4
module load OpenSSL/1.1.1k
module load METIS/5.1.0
module load HDF5/1.13.1
2. Python Installation from Source
Choose a location for Python 3.11.1 installation, preferably in a .local directory. Navigate to the directory containing the Python 3.11.1 source code. Then configure and install Python:
cd $INSTALL/Python-3.11.1/
./configure --prefix=$LOCAL --enable-shared --with-system-ffi --with-openssl=/sw/eb/sw/OpenSSL/1.1.1k-GCCcore-11.2.0/ PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$LOCAL/pkgconfig LDFLAGS=/usr/lib64/
make clean; make -j20; make install;
3. Virtual Environment Setup
A virtual environment allows you to isolate Python packages for this project from others on your system. Create and activate a virtual environment using:
pip3.11 install virtualenv
python3.11 -m venv pyfr-venv
. pyfr-venv/bin/activate
4. Install PyFR Dependencies
Several Python packages are required for PyFR. Install these packages using the following commands:
pip3 install --upgrade pip
pip3 install --no-cache-dir wheel
pip3 install --no-cache-dir botorch pandas matplotlib pyfr
pip3 uninstall -y pyfr
5. Install PyFR from Source
Finally, navigate to the directory containing the PyFR source code, and then install PyFR:
cd /scratch/user/sambit98/github/PyFR/
python3 develop
Congratulations! You've successfully set up PyFR on the FASTER and Grace cluster computing facilities. You should now be able to use PyFR for your computational fluid dynamics simulations.
Gaussian 16
Gaussian 16 is a computational chemistry package that is used in predicting molecular properties and understanding molecular behavior at a quantum mechanical level.
Geocomputation with R (Free Reference Book)
Below is a link for a book that focuses on how to use "sf" and "terra" packages for GIS computations. As of 5/1/2023, this book is up to date and examples are error free. The book has a lot of information but provides a good overview and example workflows on how to use these tools.
Bridges-2 Home Page
Landing Page for Bridges-2 information
ACCESS - Video for new ACCESS users
This is a short video on how to exchange ACCESS credits and connect to Jetstream 2 (please note this was created for Duke users but applies to all) .
FSL Lectures
This is the official University of Oxford FSL group lecture page. This includes information on upcoming and past courses (online and in-person), as well as lecture materials. Available lecture materials includes slides and recordings on using FSL, MR physics, and applications of imaging data.
The Use of High-Performance Computing Services in University Settings: A Usability Case Study of the University of Cincinnati’s High-Performance Computing Cluster
This presentation gives a detailed breakdown of the outcome of my master's thesis which was focused on making HPC Clusters accessible across all disciplines in a university setting "Our Case Study was the university of Cincinnati".
Docker Container Library
The Docker container library, commonly known as Docker Hub, is a vast repository that hosts a multitude of pre-configured container images, streamlining the deployment process. It can drastically speed up a workflow, and gives you a consistent starting point each time. Check it out, they might have exactly what you are looking for!
ACCESS Campus Champion Example Allocation
ACCESS requests proposals to be written following NSF proposal guidelines. The link provides an example of an ACCESS proposal using an NSF LaTeX template. The request is at the DISCOVER level appropriate for Campus Champions. The file is 2 pages: the first page details the motivation, approach, and resources requested; and the second page is a 1-page bio.
Tutorial for OpenMP Building up and Utilization
The following link elaborates the usage of OpenMP API and its related syntax. There are also several exercises available for learners to help them get familiar with this widely-used tool for multi-threaded realization.